
By Brian Jeffries

Sam and Bill, two middle-aged brothers, own and run ‘Cobblers’, a café in a seaside town.

Their lives are quiet and uneventful, their high points being board games and speculations concerning their customers. One day, however, their peace is shattered by the arrival of a runaway, Linda, who is after a job, and her grandmother, Connie, who is after Linda. A terrible coincidence is revealed as Connie is brought face-to-face with George, the husband who left her forty years ago and ho is now Sam: likewise, Connie’s friend Win finds, in Bill, her errant Arthur. Recriminations and reminiscences abound in this warm-hearted and emotionally astute comedy about men who have spent their lives running away and the indomitable spirits of the women they ran away from.




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Charity night Sunday 13th February 2022: St Thomas Church Delph (Jenny Begley)

.Director’s notes
After a lifetime of avoiding responsibilities, brothers Sam and Bill, reunited by coincidence, have settled down to run a seaside cafe. After a contented two years of serving tea and quiche and playing board games in their free time, their equilibrium is challenged by a runaway teenager looking for a job.
When the girl’s grandmother arrives in pursuit after a coincidental sighting by a neighbour, more challenges unsettle the brothers. Just how many coincidences can life hold and can the resultant complications be untangled without the necessity of running away again.
It has been a delight to work with such a talented cast and crew to bring this light comedy to the Millgate stage. I
hope you enjoy it

Carol Davies 

Cast & Crew

Sam ……………………………………………………………………. Alex Farkas
Bill ………………………………………………………………. Jon Comyn-Platt
Linda…………………………………………………………………..Emma Sykes
Connie………………………………………………….Barbara Micklethwaite
Winifred ……………………………………………………...Lorraine Reynolds

Director………………………………………………………………..Carol Davies
Set design …………………………………………………………..Carol Davies
……………………………………………………..with thanks to Keith Begley,
…………………………………………………Emmy Garside & Tara Foey

Set construction……………Colin Watt, Verity Mann & Carol Davies
Stage manager…………………………………………………..Colin Watt
Light & sound…………………………………………………David Plowright
Props ………………………………………………….Siobhan & David Ebden
Costume……………………………………………………………….Verity Mann
Prompt……………………………………………………………. Frank Boocock
P.A……………………………………………………………………….Anne Wright


Sat 26th February 2022


7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

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