You Never Can Tell by George Bernard Shaw A nice young dentist with more good intentions than money finds himself suddenly caught up in the incomprehensible whirl of a flighty family. GMDF best supporting actor GMDF award costume design Adjudicators award Cast & Crew CastCook …………….Finch M’Comas…………………………..Crampton………………………….Gloria……Jo………..Philip……..Parlourmaid …………………..William …………………..Mrs Clandon………Valentine ………………………..Bohun…………..Dolly……………. Crew Rachel Jones, ?, Sophie Ivaats, Joanne Mackrell, John Gillespie Sam Alhandani, John Gillespie, Rachel Jones, Ian Perks, Sophie Ivaats, Philip Weetman, Ian Crickett, Joanne Mackrell, ? Rachel Jones, Sam Alhandani John Gillespie, Philip Weetman, Rachel Jones, Sam Alhandani Sam Alhandani, John Gillespie + Add to Google Calendar + iCal / Outlook export Date Sat 26th May 2001 Expired! Time 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm