Get Involved

There are many ways you can get involved with the Saddleworth Theatre Community.

On Stage

We are always looking for actors and directors. Sign up and get audition notices or CONTACT US 

Back Stage

We are always looking for back stage team : roles as PA, stage manager or prompt , set design, set building and props, costume and makeup, sound and lighting. We offer training and lots of fun involved in shows. sign up or CONTACT US 

Front of House or Bar

we’re also looking for people to help run the theatre in box office, as an usher helping people to their seats and selling programmes, or having an evening on the bar. 

Interested ? SIgn up or CONTACT US Front of House or  CONTACT US bar 

Saddleworth Players Youth Theatre SPY

We need parents to be involved as well as their children- either giving them support to attend or getting involved yourself so if you register for SPY we also need parents registration 


register as a free member here

email us for