Review of opening night by Gemma Carter at Saddleworth Independent .
SADDLEWORTH theatregoers are being transported across the Atlantic and back in time in the most Glorious way.
For Saddleworth Players’ latest production is an undoubted hit.
Glorious tells the story of Florence Foster Jenkins, an enthusiastic soprano whose pitch was far from perfect, becoming known as ‘the first lady of the sliding scale.’
Transforming the theatre at Millgate Arts Centre sounds like a huge task but everyone involved does so with aplomb.

And if audience reaction is anything to go by, it is being met with unanimous approval.
Beginning in New York in 1944, Glorious starts as ‘Madame’ Jenkins – as she was known to all her closest – is interviewing her new pianist, Cosme McMoon.
As the play progresses, we follow Madame through a recording at ‘Melotone Studios’, and her appearance at a sell-out concert at Carnegie Hall where she played in 1944 to a packed house of 3,000 people.
All along the way, the actors showed exactly why they were given that role. The cast was excellent and each member was very well suited to their role.

The relationship between Florence, played by Sue Radcliffe, and Cosme, played by David Nobel, was portrayed superbly.
Both captured the essence of each character – Florence genuinely believing she could sing and Cosme allowing her to perform despite that not being the case.
It must be difficult to sing badly while keeping the audience entertained but Sue was great.
The audience was engaged from the off. All laughing throughout at perfectly timed comedy moments

As director Pauline Walsh told Saddleworth Independent, staging with so many locations is important – and the team at Millgate has done its job brilliantly.
The set is simple – with the use of the projector featuring nice use of old original footage – and simple furnishings.
Also, a nod to the props dept for introducing and looking after Ricky the poodle throughout – raising more laughs with its unusual position in a basket.
Delph becomes New York for the show – and it is a glorious sight.
*Glorious runs in the theatre of Delph’s Millgate Arts Centre until Saturday, February 17, with no performance on Monday, February 12.
Tickets cost £12 for adults and £6 for under-18s and can be booked below: