I am delighted to be directing Haunting Julia, a spine-tingling ghost story to warm us on a chilly November evening. I now have the excitement of transforming my ideas for the production into reality! Aren’t I lucky?
The cast is in place, rehearsals have begun, and we are enjoying teasing out the qualities and motives of the three very different men involved in the action. All three need answers to the untimely death, 12 years previously, of Julia – a celebrated child music prodigy, known as Little Miss Mozart.
It is a great joy to be able to work with the set builders, the sound and lighting experts, the props team, the wardrobe department, and the stage manager, as we bring the pages of Sir Alan Ayckbourn’s one and only ghost story to life. By working hard together as a team, we hope to bring you the best possible production and are aiming to have fun at the same time!
Needless to say, a ghost story needs to keep you on the edge of your seat and we are we have fiendish plans to make sure that your spine does indeed tingle!
Pauline Walsh
Director of Haunting Julia
See Haunting Julia from 16 – 23 November at the Millgate Arts Centre, Delph. Tickets £12/£6 from TicketSource.